Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, be plenteous in mercy is to have the real spirit of Christmas. Calvin Coolidge.

Monday, 10 December 2012


This is our FOURTH week, the last but one.

 What are we to do in week 4?

Let's learn:
Christmas  legends and stories

3 points per post (max. 1 post per week)
2 points per commentary
1 point per reply to a commentary

Let's read:
Students' Posts in Week FOUR

1 point per a commentary or a reply to a commentary

Let's watch:
White Christmas (1954) 

up to 5 points per mini-review

You can also watch the films for WEEK 1-3 (the only options that are still active),
 but your reviews will get 4 points maximum.

Let's share:
Christmas Music

2-3 points per post (max. 1 post per week)
1-2 points per commentary

1 point per reply to a commentary

Let's do our FOURTH Christmas quiz!

max. 20 points

Due on December 15 (Saturday)

Remember: Christmas tests are a must, no tests no bonuses!!!

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